Monday, October 20, 2008


Things are crazy and I'm now almost 100% full for the Christmas season! I am trying to get a few more of you in, but it may likely be just one more! If you don't need photos as Christmas gifts, but still want to take advantage of the cooler weather and gorgeous lighting, we can photograph you in December or January. Think urban... lots of layers, jewel tones, funky accessories, cool weather... and downtown. We're now scheduling our urban sessions through February. Seniors tend to gravitate towards these, but let me tell you, they make amazing sessions for kiddos... even families!

For those of you that I've recently photographed, I am working around the clock to get your images to you, and can't wait for you to see them. I'm also excited to unveil our Christmas cards... gorgeous!

Soo... if I don't post for a while... well, you know...

If you get a chance, stop by the website to see what's new - diana raines photography at


1 comment: said...

Hi Diana-
I'm Whitney from Brianna's workshop-
Just checked in to see what you've been up to since the workshop. I hope you are doing well and business is good!
Whitney Gray